Search results - "SUMP" |

Fuel Consumption56 views

04 Damaged Tyre301 viewsYes, there\'s no doubt that this was a flat tyre. The ultra hot wheel nuts, look of the flat (note in a later photo that the back of the tyre appeared okay) and increased fuel consumption should have been a clue, but it was 45 deg C, and we had been doing about 105 km/hr on a dirt road for hours, so we just assumed it was a flat = WRONGO!

my new sump gaurd winch type 75 views

L/R sump guard34 views

D4 RLD Sump Plate313 views

D4 RLD Sump Plate102 views

D4 RLD Sump Plate290 views

D4 RLD Sump Plate277 views

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Sump guard 1/413 views

Sump guard 4/416 views

Sump guard 3/414 views

Sump guard 2/413 views

Fuel Consumption43 views

Fuel Consumption 238 views

Fuel Consumption graph36 views

Fuel Consumption 05/1325 views

Fuel Consumption27 views

RLD Sump Guard3 views

Land Rover Stop Tail Light dual filament bulb nominal 12 volt 21 / 5 watt filaments1430 viewsThis is the Land Rover part number 264590 dual filament bulb, (P21/5), that inserts into the upper two tail lamp receptacles. In the upper one, both filaments function, in the lower one, only the 5 watt tail light filament functions.
I regard it as not a good practice to routinely switch bulbs when the tail light filament, (5 watt), burns out on the lower bulb. The broken filament can jiggle over onto the brake light filament, (21 watt), and short the circuit to ground or something else not predicable.
There are also arguments to say that quality control is better on the Land Rover marketed bulbs than say far east sourced bulbs. Filament construction, and hence resistance can vary and mislead the current sensing circuits monitoring the signal light systems. Also when the bulbs are properly installed, all filaments should be standing vertically and not at any slope.
These are the sort of obscure circumstances that can lead to false trouble messages on the display, dropping to the stops, and subsequent concerns - all over a tail/signal light bulb.
For example, the filament life of both the tail light and the brake light filaments in the P21/5 bulb is significantly less than the USA common 1157 dual filament bulb, (1000/250 vs 5000/1200 hours); brightness in the P21/5 is a bit more, (3cp/35cp vs 3cp/32cp where cp is candle power), but current consumption is oddly less, (0.44a/1.86a vs 0.59a/2.10a where a is amps). It is the quest for efficiency vs maintenance trade off.

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60 viewsOne bolt is visible at the front, but the other two are down the left hand side and best accessed by removing the small plastic guard behind the bumper. I also removed the small metal radiator guard between the bumper and the main sump guard (but that was mostly to retrieve the spanner I dropped!). The only issue with removing the plastic guard is the stupid plastic clips that hold it on may need to be replaced.

Astra 1.6 fuel consumption29 viewsFuel consumption of a 1.6 petrol Astra after a return trip from Aberdeen to Peterhead.
And yes I know i am sad listening to radio 2, but it was the only station I could understand up there.

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74 viewsMS excel sheet for monthly mileage report will give average fuel consumption.(most cells have formulas to help fill in from previous line)
on first sheet add details you want on monthly sheets. during use the data needed to be added is ending reading on clock, places visited (if you want).
how much fuel when you purchased it also fuel in tank at start and end of month

Front end327 viewsARB deluxe winch bar is very well made. Still allows Mantec sump guard to be used. Warn M8000 winch fitted - (wish I could\'ve found an M15000!) and IPF 900XS Extreme Series mounted with light stays to grille. Fog lights work fine with the replacement bumper, and indicators in bumpoer are effective too.

LongRanger auxiliary fuel tank358 viewsThe LR fuel tank imported from ARB in Australia with its 115 litre capacity has more than doubled the range of the car. This is important in the desert where fuel consumption increases at times to 10mpg or less. On a cruise on highways, the car now has a range approaching 850 miles. The tank fits neatly, has not affected handling in a detectable way apart from over speed humps, when a little more bounce from the rear suspension is detected! Suspension copes with the additonal loads without any problem.

city driving117 views

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I think reverse gear is called for. Ooh my sump guard was still straight here!98 views


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D3 Sump Guard53 views

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Rasta Sumpguard Discovey 4 LR4 black84 views


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Sump guard, note drain holes to rear455 viewsThe sump guard runs back to the crossmember, it\'s a good idea to drill some large - ish drain hiles as there is no way water and mud can escape once it has entered round the revovery point

Sump guard, side protection over bumper439 views

Sump guard, upper limit409 views

RLD Sump Guard61 views

RLD Sump Guard70 views

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fuel consumption127 views

My favourite 4wd , spent thousands of hours farming with this. Sold it in immaculate condition.130 viewsVery well engineered Tractor. 16 Fwd grs,4 speed P/Shift weighed 1800 lb alone (if I remember correctly), 4 equall sized clutch packs, alternates 2 lay shafts with clutch packs, dry sump. no master clutch or TQ/C,Cat 3306DTA. 1 of 12 in Australia.

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Fuel consumption to 15/2/07161 views

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Testing that sump plate!113 views

scrape ya bum31 viewsmaybe should have fitted sump guard here

Sump guard37 views

RLD D3 Sump Guard50 views


sump guard bolts loose 2nd time41 viewsmore bolts left loose by the garage

Full frontal154 viewsWell hidden. Uncle Ray sump plate, Goodwinch 9.5T winch and tray.

29 viewsFrontrunner sump guard

Frontrunner sump guard 230 views

51 viewsspecial tool for sump plug

45 viewscleaned sump plug

53 viewsdirty sump magnetic plug

Frontrunner Sump Guard11 viewsFrontrunner Sump Guard unpacked

Frontrunner Sump Guard Fitted12 viewsSGLD009

sump guard 140 views

sump guard 233 views

New Sump Guard103 viewsHead on of the new guard fitted last weekend.
The number plate has been Photoshopped! Its the one I\'d love to have, as its my initials - but is not for sale as far as I can see - and I wouldn\'t be able to afford it anyway! :)

New Sump Guard112 viewsFinally got round to fitting my new sump guard last weekend. Looks the part - finding out if it works will be found out on 13th June, when I go to LRE Snowdonia!

Draining the last bit out of the sump15 views


Flexible wire rope fishing leader 0.032" diameter exiting carpet 1956 viewsThis is all you see of the completed mod.
The short little angled "line" about an inch long that looks like a piece of debris and is located a few inches "above" the support cable is actually the wire rope release cable exiting from under the carpeted lift gate cover.
I drilled a very small hole in the carpet and pushed the 0.032" diameter release wire thru and then slipped the loose end under the black plastic.
To release with the lift gate etc closed, from the inside, just pull the loose end free from under the black plastic and gently pull wire about 5mm, (1/4"), and the upper door catch should release. You will have to manually push the upper door out wards to actually effect opening, but you will already be inside the rear cargo area so that part is easy to do.
The assumption is that the lower door latch still works electrically and hence, the lower lift gate half will open as normal by pressing the usual button on the top left of the lower door half.

fuel consumption45 views

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May 2009 - Fuel Usage61 views

MPG81 viewsFuel consumption after 50 mile drive to Conway

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Sump Guard95 views

Sump Guard76 views

Sump Guard78 views

Sump Guard89 views

Sump Guard63 views

TDV6 oil filter and sump plug253 viewsUsed oil filter and sump plug from 2006 TDV6.

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D4 Sump29 views

D4 Sump36 views

D4 Sump16 views

Sump Guard7 views

D3 and D4 Underbody Protection178 viewsIncludes:
Sump guard
Centre guard (transfer box, exhaust, fuel tank)
Rear diff guard
A-arm guards

Fuel Consumption (MPG)72 views

Fuel Consumption (L/100)86 views

Fuel Consumption66 viewsAnnual Consumption

Sump Guard9 views

Sump Guard11 views

Sump Guard8 views

Sump Guard8 views

Sump Guard5 views

RLD sump plate on D4198 views

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RLD sump guard on MY12 D4112 views

Fuel Consumption33 views

Fuel Consumption29 views

Fuel Consumption222 views

Fuel Consumption120 views

Fuel Consumption320 views

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Sump guard162 views







D3 and D4 sump guard119 views

missing transmission plate 102 views

transmission plate 98 views

TDV6 sump drain293 views2006 TDV6 oil drain from sump

Sump Plate37 views


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pro211 views

pro18 views

Sump Guard in a rutted lane235 views

208 viewsThe beginnings of a sump guard group buy me-thinks!

sumpguard31 views

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sumpguard37 views

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Sump plug - Rear diff81 viewsSump plug - Rear diff. Check all the iron filings



Lower engine bay tray319 viewsLower engine bay tray, 2006 Disco3 TDV6. Needs removing to gain access to sump drain plug.

![Filename=white sump plate [1600x1200].JPG
Date added=Mar 08, 2011 white sump plate [1600x1200].JPG](albums/userpics/13223/thumb_white%20sump%20plate%20%5B1600x1200%5D.JPG)

Manufacturers brochure re plastic pan1041 viewsI found this ad from a German manufacture called LANXESS Deutschland GmbH saying that they manufacture the plastic oil pan/filter combo for ZF that is used on the 6HP26 six speed transmission.

Gear Sump Sequence 97 views